Azure AI Document Intelligence
Azure AI Document Intelligence (formerly known as Azure Form Recognizer) is machine-learning based service that extracts text (including handwriting), tables or key-value-pairs from scanned documents or images.
This current implementation of a loader using Document Intelligence is able to incorporate content page-wise and turn it into LangChain documents.
Document Intelligence supports PDF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, or TIFF.
Further documentation is available at
%pip install langchain langchain-community azure-ai-documentintelligence -q
Example 1
The first example uses a local file which will be sent to Azure AI Document Intelligence.
With the initialized document analysis client, we can proceed to create an instance of the DocumentIntelligenceLoader:
from langchain_community.document_loaders import AzureAIDocumentIntelligenceLoader
file_path = "<filepath>"
endpoint = "<endpoint>"
key = "<key>"
loader = AzureAIDocumentIntelligenceLoader(
api_endpoint=endpoint, api_key=key, file_path=file_path, api_model="prebuilt-layout"
documents = loader.load()
The default output contains one LangChain document with markdown format content:
Example 2
The input file can also be URL path.
url_path = "<url>"
loader = AzureAIDocumentIntelligenceLoader(
api_endpoint=endpoint, api_key=key, url_path=url_path, api_model="prebuilt-layout"
documents = loader.load()